MALPA History
It all began on the 14th June 1967. Air Mauritius, the flag carrier of Mauritius island was created. As operations grew, the airline started recruiting mauritian nationals as pilots. With it, there was a need for these voices to be heard. Like in most organizations, the employer prefers to discuss with a representative of a group rather than a multitude of employees with various grievances. To represent the mauritian pilot community, the Mauritian AirLine Pilot Association ( MALPA ) was created.
Today MALPA is a professional association and a registered trade union to represent the interests of all pilots working on Mauritian territory. The struggle form the beginning was very difficult as there were different contracts of employment for locals and expatriate pilots.
In 2011, with new collective agreement negotiations, MALPA fought and secured the “equal job, equal pay” conditions for its mauritian members. This paved the way to strengthening relationships between colleagues from different nationalities in the flight deck.
Following this, in 2018 MALPA opened its membership to any foreign pilots holding a mauritian license.
MALPA is the sole recognized association in Mauritius to be affiliated to International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations ( IFALPA ) which regularly provides advice and support to its mauritian counter parts. The goal of our association is to represent, protect and negotiate the interests of the pilot community with one voice: MALPA.
The well-being of MALPA members is of utmost importance to us. An essential human factor in all corporations and particularly in our profession of technical crew is to be able to help provide a harmonious and SAFE working environment to our members.
Until recently industrial relations have always been cordial and respectful. Of course from time to time tense negotiations have taken place but they have always been resolved. Today in 2020, the year of the COVID 19 epidemic, the world is experiencing one of the most curious and dramatic situations that affects the aviation world quite severely. We are living history live without knowing what tomorrow will bring.
Nevertheless we remain hopeful because in the 21 st century travel is an integral part of our way of life for us Earthlings.
MALPA the voice of pilots in Mauritius